Growth simulation for 3D surface and through-thickness cracks using SGBEM-FEM alternating method
Jai Hak Park1,* and Gennadiy P. Nikishkov2
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 25, no. 9, pp.2335-2344, 2011
Abstract : An SGBEM-FEM alternating method had been proposed by Nikishkov, Park and Atluri for the analysis of three-dimensional planar
and non-planar cracks and their growth. The proposed method is an effective method for fatigue or stress corrosion crack growth simulation.
During crack growth simulation, however, an oscillation phenomenon is observed in crack advance or stress intensity factor distribution.
If oscillating amplitude in SIF or crack advance does not decrease during next increment steps, the crack growth simulation fails.
In this paper several methods are examined to remove the oscillation phenomenon. As a result, it is found that smoothing in stress intensity
factor distribution or in crack front geometry can remove or weaken the oscillation phenomenon. Using the smoothing techniques,
stress corrosion crack growth simulation is performed for a semi-elliptical surface crack and a through-thickness crack embedded in a
plate. Crack front shape and stress intensity factor distribution are obtained after each increment during the crack growth. And the depth
and length of a crack are obtained as a function of time. It is noted that the SGBEM-FEM alternating method is a very effective method
for SCC growth simulation for a surface crack and a through-thickness crack.
Keyword : Symmetric Galerkin boundary element method; Finite element method; Alternating method; Stress corrosion cracking (SCC); Threedimensional crack |
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