Dynamic propagation of a weak-discontinuous interface crack between two dissimilar functionally graded layers under anti-plane shear
Jeong Woo Shin and Young-Shin Lee*
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 25, no. 10, pp.2551-2557, 2011
Abstract : The dynamic propagation of an interface crack between two functionally graded material (FGM) layers under anti-plane shear is analyzed
using the integral transform method. The properties of the FGM layers vary continuously along their thicknesses. The properties of
the two FGM layers vary and the two layers are connected weak-discontinuously. A constant velocity Yoffe-type moving crack is considered.
The Fourier transform is used to reduce the problem to a dual integral equation, which is then expressed to a Fredholm integral
equation of the second kind. Numerical values on the dynamic energy release rate (DERR) are presented for the FGM to show the effect
of the gradient of material properties, crack moving velocity, and thickness of FGM layers. The following are helpful to increase resistance
to interface crack propagation in FGMs: a) increasing the gradient of material properties, b) an increase of shear modulus and density
from the interface to the upper and lower free surface, and c) increasing the thickness of the FGM layer. The DERR increases or
decreases with increase of the crack moving velocity.
Keyword : Dynamic energy release rate (DERR); Functionally graded material (FGM); Moving crack; Weak-discontinuous interface |
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