Analysis of crease-wrinkle interaction for thin sheets
Kyeongsik Woo* and Christopher H. Jenkins
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 3, pp.905-916, 2012
Abstract : In this paper, geometrically non-linear post-buckling analyses were performed to study the effect of sheet thickness, deployment angle,
and load ratio on the crease-wrinkle interaction. A square sheet configuration with a single transverse crease was modeled using thin shell
elements. The analysis proceeded by initially providing a realistic deployed state of a creased membrane sheet. Then an uneven corner
loading was applied to introduce wrinkling. The effects of the induced anisotropy from the crease on the fine-scale detail of the wrinkle
evolution, as a function of sheet thickness, loading, and crease deployment angle were systematically investigated. Significant differences
were found in sheet compliance and crease-wrinkle interaction as these parameters were varied.
Keyword : Thin membrane; Wrinkle; Crease; Post-buckling analysis; Corner-loaded square sheet; Initial deployment angle; Wrinkle details |
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