Static/dynamic contact FEA and experimental study for tooth profile modification of helical gears
Yong-jun Wu, Jian-jun Wang and Qin-kai Han
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 5, pp.1409-1417, 2012
Abstract : "With the development of high-performance computers, the contact finite element analysis (FEA) method has become more and more
popular for studying both the static and dynamic behaviors of gear drives. In this paper, a precise tooth profile modification (TPM) approach
of the helical gear pairs is presented first. The type and amount of the TPM are accurately determined by the static contact FEA
results. Then dynamic contact simulations for the helical gear pairs with and without TPM are, respectively, carried out to evaluate the
effect of the presented TPM approach on vibration reduction. No additional assumptions and simplifications are required for the static
and dynamic contact analysis models. Vibration comparison experiments are also carried out on an open power flow test rig. Both the
simulated and experimental results show that the presented precise TPM of helical gears is effective on vibration reduction around the
working load, and the dynamic contact simulation is effective in estimating the effect of the TPM on vibration reduction in the designing
Keyword : Helical gears; Tooth profile modification (TPM); Static/Dynamic contact analysis; Finite element analysis (FEA); Vibration reduction |
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