Analytical solution of non-Fourier and Fourier bioheat transfer analysis during laser irradiation of skin tissue
H. Ahmadikia*, A. Moradi, R. Fazlali and A. Basiri Parsa
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 6, pp.1949-1955, 2012
Abstract : The thermal wave and the Pennes bioheat transfer models are solved analytically by employing the Laplace transform method for
small and large values of reflection power (albedo) during laser irradiation. Most of the previous studies have been based on the infinite
heat diffusion velocity, but non-Fourier thermal behavior has been observed experimentally in biological tissue. At low initial albedo
values, the temperature in the skin depth that directly results from conduction heat transfer process is caused by the lengthy thermal relaxation
time in skin tissue. This condition generates a big difference between the thermal wave and Pennes results at the beginning of the
heating process. This difference increases under short-time heating condition and high heat flux. However, with high initial albedo, the
temperature distribution in the skin depth becomes negligible because of the skin absorption of laser beams. The non-Fourier effect
should be considered during laser heating with low albedo, because errors in the predicted temperature values may occur.
Keyword : Skin tissue; Laser irradiation; Thermal wave; Pennes equation; Laplace transform |
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