A semi-analytical/FEM model for predicting ground vibrations induced by high-speed train through continuous girder bridge
Yanmei Cao*, He Xia and Zhenghui Li
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 8, pp.2485-2496, 2012
Abstract : "This paper develops a method based on a semi-analytical/FEM model to predict the ground vibrations induced by high-speed train
running through continuous girder bridge. The prediction method has two steps: the solution of reaction on top of pier and the solution of
ground vibrations. The reaction on pier top is solved by the semi-analytical dynamic interaction model for train-track-continuous girder
bridge system, taking the dynamic characteristics of train, track, and bridge into account. The solution of ground vibrations is accomplished
by establishing the 3-dimensional pile foundation-soil finite element model and then applying the negative reaction force got
from pier top to the pile foundation-soil model. The effectiveness of the presented model is verified by comparing with other existed
Keyword : High-speed train; Continuous girder bridge; Ground vibration; Prediction method |
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