Simulating dynamics, durability and noise emission of wind turbines in a single CAE environment
Guillaume Lethé
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 23, no. 4, pp.1089-1093, 2009
Abstract : To optimize the design of their windturbines, manufacturers make use of simulation tools to predict the loads that the
different components need to transmit along the drivetrain from the blades to the generator. Using detailed 3D Multibody
simulation allows for in-depth studies, capturing the dynamic behavior of the overall system. Multi-body simulation
is used to assess the structural reliability of components such as the gearbox and to make sure they resist the extreme
and unpredictable loads from the wind for a reasonable lifetime. LMS Virtual.Lab provides state-of-the art methods
to model gearboxes and the meshing of gears with varying stiffness. It also provides capabilities to model the rotorblade
as well as the generator. The complete system is built from the subsystems assembled in a versatile and modular
way. Using LMS Virtual.Lab Motion, a dynamic simulation is finally performed to visualize the behavior of the
system trough graphs and animations. The integrated simulation capabilities within LMS Virtual.Lab environment also
offer an efficient solution to analyze and optimize the durability performance, noise emissions and overall yield of wind
turbines. Accurate loads are easily generated with LMS Virtual.Lab Motion thanks to state-of-the-art contact formulations
suited for system level analysis. Those loads lead the engineers to evaluate the stresses occurring in each component
and the vibrations generated in the structure. The environment enables to quickly analyze the effect of design
changes on a specific performance attribute, which allows engineering teams to perform fast optimization loops from
the early development stages onwards.
Keyword : Multi-body virtual simulation; Drivetrain; Windloads; Controls; Durability prediction; Noise prediction; Optimization |
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