Determination of rheological properties of whole blood with a scanning capillary-tube rheometer using constitutive models
Sangho Kim
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 23, no. 6, pp.1718-1726, 2009
Abstract : We examine the applicability of three different non-Newtonian constitutive models (power-law, Casson, and
Herschel-Bulkley models) to the determination of blood viscosity and yield stress with a scanning capillary-tube
rheometer. For a Newtonian fluid (distilled water), all three models produced excellent viscosity results, and the measured
values of the yield stress with each model were zero. For unadulterated human blood, the Casson and Herschel-
Bulkley models produced much stronger shear-thinning viscosity results than the power-law model. The yield stress
values for the human blood obtained with the Casson and Herschel-Bulkley models were 13.8 and 17.5 mPa, respectively.
The two models showed a small discrepancy in the yield stress values, but with the current data analysis method
for the scanning capillary-tube rheometer, the Casson model seemed to be more suitable in determining the yield stress
of blood than the Herschel-Bulkley model.
Keyword : Blood viscosity; Yield stress; Power-law; Casson; Herschel-Bulkley |
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