The effects of glass fiber reinforcement on the mechanical behavior of polyurethane foam
Dae-Suk Han/In-Beom Park/Myung-Hyun Kim/Byeong-Jae Noh/Wha-Soo Kim/Jae-Myung Lee
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 24, no. 1, pp.263-266, 2010
Abstract : In this paper, the mechanical properties of polyurethane foam (PUF) reinforced with glass fiber (RPUF) and non-reinforced PUF were
investigated and compared to evaluate their structural applicability and failure criteria. The effects of glass fiber reinforcement were analyzed
by tensile, compression, and repetitive impact testing. In the compression test, the differences of compressive response were analyzed
by specimen directions, and tensile tests were carried out to evaluate the strain rate sensitivity of two materials in the low strain rate
regime (έ<0.1/s). Structural impact tests were carried out using dry drop tests and custom-made equipment. The dimensions of the test
PUF specimens were 340 mm ¡¿ 340 mm ¡¿ 270 mm. Reaction forces were measured at the bottom of the specimen using impact load
sensors with the capacity to measure up to 100 ton. Deformation due to impact load was measured using a high-speed camera system.
The time histories of the impact load versus displacement behavior during repetitive impact loading were analyzed. This study presents a
comprehensive understanding of the effect of fiber reinforcement on the mechanical behavior of PUF.
Keyword : Failure criterion; Glass fiber reinforcement; Mechanical behavior; Polyurethane foam (PUF); Reinforced polyurethane foam (RPUF) |
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