TR-PIV measurement of separated and reattaching turbulent flow over a surface-mounted square cylinder
Liu Liu SHI/Ying Zheng LIU/Jin Jin WAN
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 24, no. 1, pp.421-428, 2010
Abstract : The separated and reattaching turbulent flow over a surface-mounted two-dimensional square cylinder was experimentally studied by
using time-resolved particle image velocimetry (TR-PIV). A total of 61,440 instantaneous image frames were acquired at a framing rate
of 125 Hz, yielding a reliable result of the statistical quantities. The time-averaged features of the separated and reattaching flow were
analyzed in terms of distributions of the velocity vectors, vorticity, the streamwise velocity fluctuation intensity and shear stress. The
association between the large-scale vortical structures and spatial variation of these time-averaged quantities were thoroughly discussed.
The unsteady features of the flow were revealed from distributions of the reverse-flow intermittency, space-time contour plot of the fluctuating
streamwise velocity, and cross-correlation of the streamwise velocity. Subsequently, a comprehensive understanding of the contribution
of the flow structures into the fluctuating flow field was gained by using a snapshot proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)
analysis. The results showed that the linear combination of the first five POD modes, which capture 57% of the fluctuation energy, was
capable of representing the large-scale behaviors of the separated and reattaching turbulent flow in the senses of spectrum, instantaneous
feature and spatial variation of the velocity fluctuation intensity.
Keyword : Separated and reattaching flow; Square cylinder; TR-PIV; POD; Large-scale vortical structure |