Unsteady thin airfoil theory revisited for a general deforming airfoil
Christopher O. Johnston, William H. Mason, Cheolheui Han*
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 24, no. 12, pp.2451-2460, 2010
Abstract : The unsteady thin airfoil theory of von Karman and Sears is extended to analyze the aerodynamic characteristics of a deforming airfoil.
The von Karman and Sears approach is employed along with Neumark¡¯s method for the unsteady load distribution. The wake-effect
terms are calculated using either the Wagner or Theodorsen function, depending on the desired camberline deformation. The concept of
separating the steady and damping terms in the camberline boundary condition is introduced. The influence of transient and sinusoidal
airfoil deformations on the airfoil load distribution is examined. The general equations developed for the unsteady lift and load distribution
are evaluated analytically for a morphing airfoil, which is defined here by two quadratic curves with arbitrary coefficients. This general
camberline is capable of modeling a wide range of practical camberline shapes, including leading and trailing edge flaps. Results of
the present model are shown for a variable camber, or morphing, airfoil configuration. The influence of transient and sinusoidal motion
on the force coefficients and load distribution is addressed.
Keyword : Morphing airfoil; Thin airfoil theory; Von Karman and Sears approach; Unsteady aerodynamics |
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