Dynamic responses of composite H-beams with different elastic couplings Sung-Kyun Kim, Kune-Woo Lee and Ohseop Song*
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 25, no. 10, pp.2505-2517, 2011
Abstract : Governing equations are derived via Hamilton¡¯s principle for composite thin-walled H-type open cross-section beams that show a
number of non-classical effects such as transverse shear, primary and secondary warping, and anisotropy of constituent materials. The
vibration characteristics of composite thin-walled beams with different elastic couplings, such as circumferentially asymmetric stiffness
(CAS) and circumferentially uniform stiffness (CUS) configurations are investigated with respect to the bending-transverse shear coupling
and the bending-twist coupling resulting from the directional properties of fiber reinforced composite materials. The dynamic responses
of anisotropic thin-walled beams to harmonic and exponentially time-dependent loads are also investigated. It was revealed that
transverse shear, elastic couplings, and warping effects greatly influence the free vibration and dynamic response characteristics of composite
H-type open cross-section beams.
Keyword :
Vibration; Thin-walled composite beams; H-type open cross-section; Warping; Transverse shear; Elastic coupling
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