Hydraulic transport of sand-water mixtures in pipelines Part I. Experiment Changhee Kim
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 22, no. 12, pp.2534-2541, 2008
Abstract : The hydraulic transport characteristics of sand-water mixtures in circular and square pipelines are experimentally investigated
by changing the Reynolds number and volumetric delivered concentration. The hydraulic gradients are increased
along with the Reynolds number. When the mean velocity is larger than the critical velocity, the hydraulic
gradient of sand-water mixture in the square duct is larger than that in the circular pipe. The deposition-limit velocity in
the square duct is smaller than that in the circular pipe. Thus, it can be concluded that the square duct transports sands
more effectively than the circular pipe in a low operating range of velocity. The empirical correlation between the hydraulic
gradient and the Reynolds number is obtained. It is believed that the present data and empirical equation can be
used to validate the numerical methods developed for the analysis of the transport characteristics of slurry in the circular
and square pipelines.
Keyword :
Slurry flow; Sand-water mixture; Hydraulic transport; Experiments; Deposit-limit velocity
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