Finite volume method analysis of heat transfer problem using adapted strongly implicit procedure Abel Rouboa
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 23, no. 6, pp.1553-1562, 2009
Abstract : In most issues representing physical problems, the complex geometry cannot be represented by a Cartesian grid. The
multi-block grid technique allows artificially reducing the complexity of the geometry by breaking down the real domain
into a number of sub-domains with simpler geometry. The main aim of this article is to show the usefulness of
simple solvers in complex geometry problems, when using curvilinear coordinates combined with multi-block grids.
This requires adapted solvers to a nine nodes computational cell instead of the five nodes computational cell used with
Cartesian coordinates for two-dimensional cases. These developments are presented for the simple iterative methods
Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel and also for the incomplete factorization method strongly implicit procedure (SIP). These
adapted solvers are tested in two cases: a simple geometry (heat transfer in a circular cross-section) and a complex
geometry (solidification case). Results of the simple geometry case show that all the adapted solvers have good performance
with a slight advantage for the SIP solver. For increasing the complexity of the geometry, the results showed
that Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel solvers are not suitable. However, the SIP method has a reasonable performance. A conclusion
could be drawn that the SIP method could be used in complex geometry problems using multi-block grid technique
when high precision results are not required.
Keyword :
Curvilinear coordinates; Heat transfer; Multi-block grid; Strongly implicit procedure
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