Film condensation on horizontal tube with wall suction effects Tong-Bou Chang/Wen-Yu Yeh/Go-Long Tsai
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 23, no. 12, pp.3399-3406, 2009
Abstract : This study performs a theoretical investigation into the problem of two-dimensional steady filmwise condensation
flow on a horizontal tube with suction effects at the tube surface. An effective suction function is introduced to model
the effect of the wall suction on the thickness of the liquid condensate film. The local condensate film thickness and the
local Nusselt number are then derived using a simple series numerical method. The results show that the Nusselt number
varies as a function of the Jakob number Ja, the Rayleigh number Ra, and the suction parameter Sw. It is found that
the wall suction effect has a significant influence on the heat transfer performance. An analytical solution is derived for
the mean Nusselt number for the case in which the wall suction effect is ignored. Finally, a closed-form correlation is
presented for the mean Nusselt number subject to a wall suction effect.
Keyword :
Film condensation; Horizontal tube; Wall suction
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